1. Orders canceled within 12 hours of payment confirmed will be eligible for you to get a full refund.
2. Orders canceled 1 day after payment confirmed will be eligible for a partial refund consisting of the full shipping cost and 70% of the product purchase price.
3. Orders canceled 2 days after payment confirmed will be eligible for a partial refund consisting of the full shipping cost and 50% of the product purchase price.
4. After 3 days of payment confirmed, your order can NOT be cancelled any more. We can only refund the full shipping cost!
All items returned must be in original condition (including all paperwork, packaging, accessories) with tags still attached. All items must be unworn, unaltered, and unwashed. Items considered "Final Sale" cannot be exchanged in store. Please refer back to our Online Returns Policy for a complete list of Final Sale items.
Wardrobing & Excessive Returns